Growing up we did the annual trip our West, generally Colorado. We’d start in Columbus, Ohio, and  24-hours later we’d arrive into the Denver area. Lots of memories evolve from those trips, including a few funny prospective blog stories, but one of the things I remember most about the journey was the dialogue and the music. I’d spend a lot of time talking to my dad on the way, and we always had this set structure of music that included Karen Carpenter, Paul Williams (such a fantastic songwriter), and, of course, John Denver. So this song will be forever my placeholder for “here.”Â
Once you get to this great state you start to understand the “Rocky Mountain High” that Denver wrote about years ago. I always love coming here, flying into what’s almost always sunshine and fresh air. This weekend we had lots of fresh air, and a bit of sunshine (ironically, literally as I write, it’s 70 and sunny back in Oly and 26 and overcast and snowing here in Denver–ha!).Â
From Austin, despite what many forecasters were predicting as a wild weekend, the flight was on time and bump-free and Stephen made it on time to his Doc’s event, which I know was sprinkled with good humor as well as some Cheesesteak stories–remember, Stephen, I get to speak last at all of these events. 🙂Â
During the event, on Saturday afternoon, it was really well run. Eddy Wittry was the guy behind the scenes facilitating everything, and he did a great job, but so many other leaders were involved in the event and particularly presentation, including Anjila Stimack, Dave Walther, Chris Pilgrim, Harris Williams, and John Rogers among others.
And lots of help from many people, including Judy Gillum, Gerry and Michelle Bergeson (great set up guys), and I could go on and on and on with all the people that contributed–thanks to everybody.
There’s lots of great video footage from this trip as well as Austin (post-Tour we’ll do a highlights video) but the following clip is among my most favorite.
Remember Regan, this was just one guy’s opinion. I’m sure the next person you asked would have said…me. 🙂Â
After a great event, we took the local leaders out to dinner (Dr. Greene and Judy, enjoyed our time together at dinner) and had a great time–thanks, guys, for the gift of some local Colorado wine that looks great.Â
Then, the finale…Boogie Machine at Cool Rivers. This is Jerry and Michelle’s band.
These guys really rocked the house, we met a bunch of other associates out at the event and danced the night away listening to 70’s music. The evening was among the most fun we’ve had on the Road Tour, and both the people as well as the music were responsible for that.Â
Which is a great plug for Convention ’09. These same people, and MANY MANY more will be at our event June 26-29, and this SAME BAND will be opening for us on Thursday night–the start of our 10-year celebration. So in addition to great speakers (Bill Lee, Paul Zane Pilzer, Suzanne Peterson, Neil Offen, and others), training and business growth (average Gold who attended Conventions in the past earned DOUBLE the commissions that following year of those at the same rank who did not go), this event promises to be a lot of fun.
Perhaps, even more than the Denver group was this weekend.Â
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We all want to thank you for coming out to Denver. Being away from home is never easy, and is especially taxing on the weekend – all three of you guys graciously gave of your weekend and we are grateful for that. Thank you.
You are more than welcome, and thanks for everything you personally did to orchestrate. It was a very big job. We all appreciate it. And we’ll see you again soon.
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