Today I was speaking with a good friend. A really successful and exceptionally intelligent person, who is sideways financially. Very sideways, in a scary way. It was a painful story to hear; and it’s not that we don’t hear about these every day or read about them on the front page of every paper or website. It’s just that, well, when it touches someone you care about…it’s just a different level of emotion.
Perhaps President Truman said it best: “It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job. And it’s a depression when you lose yours.”
I could feel the pain in the voice and experience of my friend, yet it’s not without great hope that I have for people just like him as a result of this industry.
My blog is a muse of leadership, culture, and business. A large part of my business writings, though not all, are about Relationship Marketing and specifically Univera. I can’t help it–I love this industry, it’s a powerhouse of opportunity.
Which is why the recession data isn’t all bad news.
There is, within this calamity, an opportunity.
Amidst the turmoil, some people–perhaps you–will become millionaires. Others will simply find a way to keep the mortgage paid off, or pay for college, or put food on the table. Some will find freedom. Others will regain the passion they have for life. And others still will reunite themselves with a purpose within business they didn’t know existed.
The reasons I love Relationship Marketing are simple: you can take control, rather than having control taken of you.
Look at the hundreds of thousands of people laid off every month, few of these people had control. In fact, ironically, 95% of the layoffs happen to the people that have the least control over their own destiny within their companies.
So, ultimately, part of this is about freedom. And I want you to have it too.
The reasons I love Univera as a business are simple as well.
1. Patented products that work. Over 150 patents are put to work over a multitude of products that change the way people live, look, and feel. We’ve got the best of a “single product lead” with Xtra, yet with a multitude of breakthrough products that are simply untouchable that add diversity and strength. Nobody in the industry matches these resources.
2. Resources. It’s easy to talk about joint ventures, co-licensing arrangements, partnerships, and collaborative or exclusive resources. But it’s totally different to talk about an integrated set of businesses; at Univera we often forget the power of the “Farm to Family” concept (for our core ingredients). A Company that has resources across all of the world touching a multitude of Continents–particularly great resources right here in North America in Lacey headquarters, which also houses some of the most talented and passionate people in Corporate America, that are working for you. And with you.
3. Compensation. There simply is not a better plan in this industry, that’s more balanced or more aggressive at all the key touchpoints in an Associates business. Our 2009 Plan, available at, highlights the major components that we’ve ADDED to the compensation plan to make it among the most competitive plans on the front and back end. Which means, ultimately, if you work you’ll get success early on. But, equally importantly, you’ll develop a powerful back end residual that builds for you the freedom you desire.
4. Culture, Heart, and Purpose. To a degree, the words could be synonyms. But we each have a definition of what that means.
Here, Culture is about integrity, respect, and listening. It’s about acts of service, it’s about teamwork and collaboration, and it’s about developing a set of relationships and an environment that’s unlike anything else. And it’s about changing the health and wellness of the World, or as we say “Bringing the Best of Nature to Humankind.”
If you’re all about money, you’ll not likely be a perfect fit here. You can do amazing things with the money from Univera for your family and humankind. But let’s all acknowledge that our life, including the time we spend during the day, can be so much more meaningful if done in conjunction with purpose and people with whom we care about–and care about us.
I see the decline in the graph, and on one hand it’s just another number and statistic. It could be sterilized and desensitized to be meaningless as we get calloused to the bad news. But, we can’t let it. It’s our society, it’s our friends, family, and neighbors that this all affects. It’s causing a transformational change that could lead to the biggest transformational change in our industry, and for our Company.
Margaret Meade said it best: “Never doubt that a small and committed group of people can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
I’m ready to change the world.
And that starts by simply taking the step to help change the life of those we come across every day.
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