Somedays are brilliant in their simplicity. I’m usually pretty restless but this weekend I enjoyed some simple time. Yesterday, after I awoke and brewed a pot of “Top Pot” decaf coffee, the sun broke through the morning clouds and filled the sky for a few brief moments.
The day was simple, in that we woke up and made “Machuta’s pancakes.” It’s my grandmothers Lithuanian recipe–and of all the fun things that they might like to ask for on the weekends for breakfast, they always choose this above all else. They’re like a really thin but large crepe cooked on both sides (the flip is a bit tricky); with a little low-sugar syrup on the inside or some pureed fruit and rolled up it’s unbelievable. So the kids love this, and I love making it for them.
There were a few other things that we did on Saturday, like heading to our weekly trip to the Olympia food CO-OP–where we try to make most of our food purchases. The kids love the little play area, we love the simple-yet-plentiful selection of organic and local foods. And I always feel good after leaving there.
But the most memorable was our visit to the Blue Lotus Cafe for lunch. It has been my favorite restaurant for casual (but delicious) food in Olympia.
Until it closed this weekend. The restaurant comprised all organic (local when possible) ingredients that were married together in a way that created an incredible culinary delight.

There aren’t many restaurants that I love in Olympia. But, this was one of them. Part of it was the exceptional food.
Another part that it was organically based from local sources.
A final part was that you could tell someone put their heart and soul into this little restaurant. And that’s the part that probably bothers me most about its closing.
This wasn’t just a job for someone who ran it, instead it was a passion and calling.
But, for whatever reason, the calling for this little restaurant came to a close this weekend. Another unfortunate consequence to a stumbling economy, that has the impact not just on its owners but also several employees and the patrons who frequented the business. To me it doesn’t make sense that this little gem of incredibly delicious and nutritious food, with kitchy ambiance and charming service, didn’t make it yet a mile down the road IHOP still sits. But, such is life and some things don’t seem to work out like we expect.
Today I meant to bring the owner a card and a bottle of wine, just to tell her that I appreciated what she contributed to the community–and that she’ll be missed. Family plans got in the way of my running out, so I’ll drop it off to her tomorrow but I suppose my blog entry serves as a sort of substitute for acknowledging a persons passion and good works directed toward the community, that simply didn’t end like I am sure she hoped. And me either.
Thanks, Blue Lotus, for making the impact that you did during the time you were here.

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Simple is good. I loved this whole weekend, especially the “Simple Saturday.” We are on a mission for another good food find like the late, Blue Lotus Cafe. Keep blogging babe; You are good at it.