My friend, “Stephen DVD”

stephen-is-pretty-good-on-videoUpon arriving in Newark, NJ Regan and I parted paths for a while, he headed up to the hotel and I went to have dinner with my parents. It was great to see them again; the last time was probably six months ago. I owe a lot to both of them.

bob-and-tracy-testimonialsAs a former New Jersey resident, I can attest this is really a gorgeous State. Most people who haven’t been anywhere near Jersey have quite a different perception—but it’s called the Garden State for a reason. It is not represented well by the first thirty seconds of B-roll on The Sopranos. Or from flying into or driving in/out of Newark Airport for that matter.

skultety-and-southam-teamSaturday morning was the leadership breakfast, about thirty attended this portion and then about 150 attended the general session. A good turnout considering a gorgeous New Jersey weekend day and the fact that a regional event was just here about five weeks ago.

People attended from all over the tri-state area. And, as I have mentioned on many postings before, each area is so unique. Especially the east coast with all the various personalities. I loved living in Manhattan, all the electricity in the air of activity, diversity, assertiveness. New Jersey is a great group, and has all of the uniqueness, diversity, and humor that—in some ways—only exists on the this side of the Country.

Regan, “Stephen DVD”, and I (if you don’t get the “Stephen DVD” part you need to read the Knoxville post first in order to catchup) had a great time in Jersey.

post-event-minglingIt was great seeing the Diamond leaders, many of whom I haven’t seen in a few months. Including Dave Skultety, Dale Southam, and Bob/Penny Quintana.

Bob Quintana was a spectacular host, there are a number of gifted speakers in Univera and he’s certainly one of them. Regan was great, as always. And, today, “Stephen DVD” was excellent. Really, the DVD was just spectacular. Just two days before “Stephen DVD” was what I would say constitutes quite good. I mean, when we hit the play button he was right on message, like clockwork. But, incredibly, today our friend “Stephen DVD” was even better. It’s as if, though seemingly impossible, Stephen DVD gets better the more we play it. Or him, I should say. As you can tell, This DVD is so good it should be personified.

eleventh-anniversaryA few people’s stories stand out to me at tonight’s event. And, as always, I write this blog entry with a bit of trepidation since I can’t share all the great stories.

raz-regan-and-favreausOne of my favorites from the trip was hearing Harry Childs tell the story of their Serve First project last October. As I understand it, the trip was comprised of both Univera Associates as well as a Church group that participated in a great work project where they took a bunch of kids to a farm where the children had trail rides, learned how to make horseshoes, and all sorts of great farm/country activities. It sounds like the kids had an incredible time, but after talking to some of the Associates involved (some were in New Jersey, others attended the Portland, Maine event) I really believe those volunteering for the service project actually had as much fun as the kids did. To hear Harry tell this story is humbling, as he’ll share clearly the impact this had on their team and how much it’s changed their group dynamics.

Among the many interesting people we met, it included an Associate, who was a Violinist at The Met in Manhattan and another couple who were celebrating their 11th year of marriage by attending this Saturday event. And, all three of the last people I’ve mentioned were so excited about Univera from different angles, and arrived here by reaching the same conclusion. This was a place where they could have purpose and change peoples lives.

jim-trudy-and-reganAnd, as I’m typing more people continue to come to mind, including the new and youthful group that work in the gym in Cherry Hill…and on and on I could go. It was an extremely enjoyable event, wonderful to be back in the State in which I once lived (and my first daughter was born) and to participate in a group of excited people.

After this event Regan and I hopped in the car and ventured our way on a gorgeous and sunny day up the coastline to head to Portland, Maine.

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