The Singing Telegram!

singing-telegramAt last night’s fantastic (but not lavish) L.A. hotel the beds were really amazing, enough to mention in a blog. So we slept pretty well and hit the road around 9am for our drive down to San Diego.

Now, in my writings I’ve only been able to share a fraction of the stories and events (of field and corporate team) that have occurred during these road trips over the past few weeks. But, as time goes on, I’m getting slightly more daring in sharing some of the idiosyncrasies we all have, particularly Regan and Stephen. 🙂


The way our travels work so far is that Stephen drives, Regan rides shotgun, and I’m sprawled out in the back with laptop open and camera on. Now, as some of you may have heard before, Stephen often does a hilarious riff on how people need energy and the different ways to acquire it.

blowing-by-the-policeOne part of this story is where he’s screaming into the microphone the punchline that “If you almost got hit by a bus in the morning that’d give you an incredible dose of energy for the day, but I don’t think you’d be saying to yourself ‘Geesh, I’d like to do that again!’”

Now that I’ve ridden with Stephen-as-driver, I know how he comes up with his material.

Real life experience.

Expressed in LSAT-esque language it goes like this: Stephen is to stellar driving what I am to the advancement of biochemistry.

In other words, we almost got hit by a bus.

With all this excitement, who needs AgelessXtra?

Stephen’s driving antics have given me more content than my flying fingers can type. On our drive down to San Diego tonight we’re cruising down the highway and Regan and I start howling with laughter as Stephen scoots right by a policeman. The lights came on immediately (see photo) but to our relief the officer was simply trying to slow down traffic rather than ticket anybody.

minglingWe arrived into San Diego, Carlsbad specifically, and had some free time in the afternoon. Each of us went walking (alone) along the California coast. There’s nothing like the fresh smell of ocean saltwater as it breaks into the sandy beach forming an intoxicating mist. After a good walk I spent the afternoon plugging away on calls/emails sitting outside trying to capture as much Vitamin D possible before heading back to the Northwest.

dianne-raz-and-anneSo it was from this idyllic afternoon that we attended the leadership reception on a perfect evening on the outside terrace of a really cozy hotel. The reception proved great to see old friends again while also getting to know some newer members of the team.

stephen-raz-robert-and-reganRemember I shared about how special it was to receive the professionally-made desserts last night in L.A.? At the reception tonight another unique moment occurred. On behalf of the Carlsbad Associates we were given a singing telegram by a Univera Associate named Robert. Never in my life have I received a singing telegram so this was a special event for each of us and very endearing—I only wish I had video of it that I could upload to this blog (Robert—if you can email me an audio file of this I’ll try to post it!).

leadership-reception1Tonight’s main event had a very strong turnout, about 200 in total. I expect this was one of the larger gatherings in this area so far—though I also expect one day that there will be many multiples of this.

audience-2I have written about the “audience energy” before and, once again, the atmosphere in every group is always a little different. Truly, tonight was a perfect night—the audience energy was the highest we have experienced this week and I also think the presentations were a bit tighter than previous events.

Why the reason for such different dynamics from venue to venue? Perhaps based on the ratio between Associates and guests, the time of day, speakers style and whether they’re “on,” the type of setting, the events of the day, the set-up of the room, the people attending…It’s always fascinating to observe and experience the different dynamics of each program.

At the suggestion of a few Associates from the prior events we tried starting the evening with a product focus, which of course was led by Stephen. It seemed to work well, but of course Stephen is always great. The debate we’ve had is whether we save our superstar scientist for the very end or do we put him up front at the beginning of the program?


secret-to-happinessFrom a content perspective and considering the target audience of first time guests for “the road tour” it probably makes more sense to start Stephen up front because it’s all about the products and what they can do for you. Plus, Stephen is a great opener to engage and endear the audience to simply open their minds to other Univera opportunities.

audienceOf course, Regan is getting pretty good at this as well and I’ve enjoyed watching him become better and better at presenting over the past six months. He is really good and has strong stage presence.

So we’ve tried arranging the presentation both ways and both seem to work, we’re just trying to incorporate the best approach and make meaningful improvements along the way.

daniels-testimonialTestimonials were great (check out Ron with the vice-grip on the microphone! He’s not letting that mic go, is he?). Ron did a really nice job closing with the group of leaders and Diamonds while conducting a brief interview with each.

diamond-leadershipAfter the event closed much of the group stayed around and shared stories and talked with each other. In fact, one of the many memorable people I met was a woman who had many decades worth of Relationship Marketing experience and was a top earner in several other companies. But, not unlike many of those who have joined us, she felt somewhat burned out from less-than-stellar experiences with prior companies. After her last experience she commented that she would never engage in this industry again…However, she came tonight as a prospect at the urging of a Univera Associate who gifted her. I met her before the event and then again afterwards, and it was rewarding to see her beaming with hesitant enthusiasm post-program. She commented she was cautious to let herself get too excited, but also mentioned that something sparked within her that night. Not to overuse the term, but really I think she saw during the evening–with the people, team, various presentations and testimonials–a slice of Renewal and the opportunity that we have together as a team.

Regan, Stephen, and I closed the evening together with a light bite to eat basking in the afterglow of an incredibly fun and rewarding event.


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